
Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Mama Crafting & Couponing Her Way Through Motherhood

Meet Lauren, a beautiful mama to two little men and a heart after saving money and crafting. She's better at the crafting part than I am, but I can definitely learn a thing or two from her. Seeing her with her boys just gets me even more excited about having a son and all the adventures we will go through down the road. Read more about Lauren below and be sure to check out her blog and get to know her some more!
About Lauren:

Mid Twentys Momma and Wife.I have an obsession for Country Music, Cooking, Crafting and Couponing. Blogging about the roller coaster life has to offer our little family!



Days before I had to go back to Tallahassee for college, Tommy and I decided we would head to Orlando for a day or two. We enjoyed Islands of Adventure the first day we were in town. The next morning we woke early because Tommy had something planned for us and we needed to get there early. We pulled up to a vertical blue tunnel and I was extremely confused. Tommy led me to the trailer that was attached and told me I would have to sign some paperwork. I was shocked when I walked in, Tommy wanted to help me check off something from my bucket list, but safer. We had an absolute blast indoor skydiving and have the video to reminisce.

Graduating from College:

This day and age it seems like the norm to end up with your Bachelors degree, you know that piece of paper that you paid thousands of dollars for. But I couldn't be more excited to walk across the stage three years after I started my journey at  The Florida State University. I was excited to "grow up" and move back home and start my career 10 days later. Looking back had I slowed down a bit my GPA could have been higher than it was, but that isn't printed on my diploma. I had worked so hard for my double major in those three years and I couldn't have been more proud of myself in that moment. Now to figure out how/when to go back for my Master's degree.

The day I married my best friend:

After months of planning and our long distance relationship, I was so ready to settle down with the man of my dreams. He has given me such joy in life and my love for him as continued to grow as we have expanded our family. While  the day wasn't fundamentally perfect it was more than I had ever imagined and made the many months of planning and DIY Crafting worth it

The Birth of Our Son, Triston: (Birth Story)
After 18 hours of labor I was so lucky to meet our little boy. My heart swelled the moment I first saw him. I knew I loved him from the moment we found out we were expecting, but seeing him I never thought I could love him any more. He has become a very energetic little boy who keeps me on my feet and constantly shows his father and I an adventure.

The Birth of Our Son, Owen: (Birth Story)

I felt like the Grinch the morning he was born, my heart swelled three times that day. My entire pregnancy I was so worried I wouldn't know how to love another child like I loved Triston. Growing our family was a very powerful and moving experience. I am looking forward to seeing our family of four create many memories.