Monday, June 10, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging with A Purpose; Show & Tell Monday

I'd like to introduce a new {rather, improved} journey that I am embarking on here on this little space of mine. A lot of you had asked about Show & Tell Monday and when it would be coming back. Okay, maybe just a couple of you. It obviously went into hiding when I went into labor with Graham and just never made a reapperance. Until now. Kind of.

Show and tell Monday set the foundation for this project. I loved to have topics to go off of, ask people questions, and then go from there. However, I wanted to allow the opportunity to just write without a specific direction. In other words, whatever comes to mind. Same with the pictures that would be shared. I wanted it to be... free of rules. But to elaborate on this project a little further, I wanted to be more specific with what the project would entail, have the list of ideas ahead of time, and make this something that would hold me more accountable to "blogging with a purpose."

So, the details.

I have made a list of 52 blog topics. With these topics, I will have to shoot a picture that somehow correlates with the weekly theme. This way, not only will it inspire me to blog something weekly, but it will also give me an opportunity to actually get that camera out and be creative with it.

The Show: The picture that goes with the theme
The Tell: Elaborating on the meaning of the theme. In your words.

The next 5 months will look like this:

About Me
Week 1: Who I am
Week 2: 10 Things I Live For {or can't live without}
Week 3: My Life 5 Years From Now
Week 4: My Biggest Weakness

If I...
Week 5: If I were to win the lottery, 5 Things I'd Buy
Week 6: If I could be anything in the world..
Week 7: If I could turn back time...
Week 8: If I could have one superpower...

Week 9: My goals for motherhood
Week 10: 10 Survival Tips To the Expecting Mom
Week 11: I said I would never....
Week 12: What Being a mom looks like

Week 13: A room within my childhood home
Week 14: High school back then
Week 15: A letter to my 16 year old self
Week 16: How my childhood impacted who I am today


Week 17: The meaning of marriage
Week 18: Random facts about your other half
Week 19: Your strengths and weaknesses in your marriage
Week 20: A letter to the newlyweds

Miscellaneous Month

Week 21: LOVE: Finish the sentence, how well does he know you {20 questions},
Week 22: HOME: show us your favorite room, if you could design the dream home what would it look like
Week 23: CAREER: Give us an example of your typical day on the job
Week 24: CURENTLY: Browsing, Loving, Watching, Reading, Wishing, Looking Forward TO

So if you'd like to follow along with me, I'd love to read your stories as well! I will start this little journey next week..... HERE WE GO.


  1. this is amazing! i enter motherhood sometime in july so we will see how this goes!

  2. Love it! Excited! I host a photography link up on Thursdays if you want to check out the themes and give yourself another reason to get out the camera :)

  3. I really love this, Becky! Can't wait to link up. :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  4. This looks great, just the thing to jumpstart blogging!

  5. I'm so excited to see this and to participate! Sometimes I get bloggers block and I love little prompts to help me out!

  6. great great great idea!!

  7. Girl, I am SO down for this!!!!!!!! This is the best project I have ever seen!

  8. This will be great! Looking forward to following along! :)

  9. This sounds like so much fun -- I was a big fan of Show & Tell, but only started linking up towards the end of the series! Can't wait to see where this goes!

  10. I love this new idea! I can't wait to participate! :)

  11. I can't wait to read, and participate!! What a great idea!

  12. This sounds like fun!! I can't wait!

  13. I love this!! I would love to join in! I am a new follower and a new mama and I just love your blog!!

    It's a Krazy Life

  14. I've accidentally taken an unexpected hiatus from blogging and I think this will get me back into it. I tired a 30 day challenge last month and it was too overwhelming. I think this is doable and would love to participate. Plus having the topics in advance gives me plenty of time to write and edit which lack of time is part of the reason I "stopped" blogging!

  15. Love this idea, Becky! Can't wait to get started and link up. :-)

  16. I am joining this link up! I need to add other topics on my blog.

  17. Oh I'm excited for this! I love little challenges to get involved with :)

  18. Sorry, I'm new to link ups. Where do I post your button for this? Such a great idea!

  19. Awesome idea, especially since I sometimes struggle with finding a topic to write about. I look forward to reading everyone's entries! Maybe you could add a link up to your original post of the week so we can add ours and read others and all follow along together! Just a thought!

  20. I'm gonna join in on this! Love the upcoming comments! I'll have to skip a few weeks that don't pertain to me :)

  21. is it to late to join? my friend just started this last week and I think I would like to try!!

  22. I agree sounds like fun, I saw the post on Meg's blog and would like to jump in late too.

  23. will be joining in on this...I'll try to catch up with the first 6 weeks over the next couple days

  24. This is such a neat idea. I would love to join in. I'll focus on catching up over the next several week :)

  25. Did I completely miss the post with the second half of the topics? I saw when you added weeks 21-25, but haven't seen any more!

  26. I love following your 52 Weeks of Blogging with A Purpose; Show & Tell Monday. I've decided 2014 I will embark on this and with the list of topics you have mentioned it would be easier to begin with. I try my best to follow this topics but errr..sometimes I made a few changes to it just because I ran out of time and it was already monday and so a quick one will do :) The reason why I'm embarking on this is to motivate myself to to take the extra mile on everything I do. I tried doing the 360 days of blogging and I failed on that one so I told myself once a week of blogging should be ideal :) So here I am :) Thank you Becky for sharing this :)


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