Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life Lately with lots of pretty pictures.


On Saturday, the three of us fell asleep as a family at 930. That's right. One, Elliana went to bed late and we {the mama and papa} when to bed early. The reason Elliana went to bed late? Because she got to watch her first ever movie! Needless to say, she was in love. And why did we go to bed early? Because we were so exhausted and we just can't hang like we used to.

The big girl room reveal was on the blog yesterday, in case you missed it. Go take a look at what my princess gets to call "her room."

I made a couple new dessert recipes this past weekend. Unfortunately they aren't scheduled to post until November 8th. I know. I know. Lame. And you guys will completely forget about them by then. Actually you will probably forget about it in... 3...2...1... done. Forgotten.

My dad came over this past weekend and helped Andrew with our master bath. The major stuff is done now. All that is left is patching the walls, painting, adding frames and decorating. Sounds easy right? Yes. I hope so. Because like I have mentioned before.... all we will have left after this is tackling the nursery. The much needed nursery.

I have {had by the time this post posts} my glucose test on Monday. Elliana is coming with me. This should be interesting.

I have officially put Elliana on the waiting list for the mama and me gymnastics classes. The problem is that they think that they will be able to squeeze her in at the beginning of January. Do you know what else is going on at the beginning of January? Oh you know... just me having baby brother. No big deal. Actually that isn't the part that worries me... it's the fact that I will be in that gym with a "post baby large uterus" that will make me look pregnant. I cringe.

Emails. I have received tons the past month and I just want to apologize right here right now for those I have yet to get back to. I try to save emails as they pop to the "answer soon Becky" folder but then that folder builds...and builds... and builds... and then some? Well some completely get missed. So. If you have written me and have not heard back... I am sorry? Life. Life gets... busy.

OMG! I almost forgot! I purchased a new camera. And lens. And speedlite. And bag. And hard drive. Sound a little crazy? Because it is. Yes. This is an early Christmas and push gift. Super early and very generous. But I needed it. And I love it. I updated my camera goods link in case people are wondering about the details.

And I will be officially using this camera for a couple sessions I have coming up! I have really slacked off in the "photography" side of my life because of how busy our schedules are. However all the sessions I have booked have been by people that have contacted me so I couldn't say no. Not to mention I have a wedding that I will be doing in the spring! To say I am excited would be an understatement.

I have been eating a lot of ice cream lately. And cookies. And brownies. Cheesecake. And cake. Anything you can name that is sweet, I have been eating. Including a jar of nutella in one week. So those pounds that were slowly coming on this pregnancy? Have definitely accelerated. Fourth gear.

This concludes my brain vomit. The end.


  1. I love your photos. You are seriously very talented. And elliana, is as pretty as can be!

  2. Your photos are awesome, and she is so cute :)

  3. Do you not LOVE your 60D? After asking for a DSLR for about 4 years, I got a 60D this past february and I am still so in love with it!!!!

  4. cute pictures :) were these taken with your new camera and lens??

  5. Sweet Elliana is just the cutest ever....I love your pictures! Those first 3 picture, I much cuteness! She is one pretty little lady with a wardrobe nicer than mine!!! Although my almost 3 year old has a nicer wardrobe than me too...I need to work on that, after this baby comes for sure!

  6. Love the photos! Where did you find that adorable purple winter coat?

  7. I love the photos as always & little miss is getting so big :( so bittersweet! Time has flew by all to fast...

  8. Elli is gorgeous just like her mama! I love her striped outfit. Girl I craved ice cream like nobodies business when I was preggers with K lol!



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